What your local food pantries REALLY need you to donate!
One in every 7 people in the United States live with food insecurity. This means they do not have consistent access to enough food for an active and healthy life (Reference: USDA). If you are not currently donating or volunteering with a local food pantry, the holidays are a great time to begin! Consider how you can help your neighbors and community with these top tips on what your local food pantries REALLY need you to donate.
Canned Tuna: Canned Tuna, peanut butter and other shelf-stable items are perfect for donation. Think of items high in protein, such a PB or canned meats (tuna, chicken, ham). Canned vegetables, beans and fruits are great sides. Also consider items that don’t require a lot of ingredients to put together, such as instant potatoes.
Baby Supplies: We all know having a baby is very expensive. When families with young children come upon hard times, buying baby supplies is truly a burden. Consider donating baby food, powdered formula, baby cereal, diapers, wipes and other baby products.
Monetary donations: Cash donations go a very long way when stocking the shelves of your local food pantry. Food pantry directors can use these donations to purchase specific items that may be running low. Food pantries also get bulk discounts you and I do not receive when buying retail.
Volunteers: Although money and donated products are needed, your time is the most precious gift you can give to those in need. Consider contacting your local food pantry to see how you can volunteer to help stock shelves, prepare meals or hand out food packages.
At Blue Chip FCU, we strive daily to live the credit union philosophy of People Helping People. This Christmas season, we will be collecting food and monetary donations for local food pantries in Harrisburg and Burnham, PA. Visit our promotions page for complete details on our charity food drive. For more ideas on items you can donate to your local food pantry, check out these great articles from thehealthy.com and Taste of Home.